Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and concerns

I have not been in school for many years, where do I start?

​It’s going to take time and a dedication. I can help you get organized and provide helpful tips for you to succeed in class.

How do I navigate on the computer or move around at my school's website

No worries, I can help you become familiar with the website. You can share your screen with me and I can point you in the right direction. I can show you where the library is, how to review your assignments and explain your expectations for your courses

I don’t know how to write a paper, how do I get started?

I can assist you with your layout of your paper and help you get your ideas organized and make sure you are adhering to the rubric—please be aware that a quality paper takes time

I’ve been reading for hours and I still do not know the content

I can provide you with study techniques to improve your study techniques and recall of study material

I didn’t pass the NECLEX exam

It’s okay! We can review areas that need improvement and most importantly review questions. I can help you better analyze questions

I don’t understand nursing care plans

We can review care plans step by step and provide you with a better understanding so that you can formulate care plans for your patients with ease.

APA Format, what is it?

​A format or standard on how papers should look like and how you will cite your recourses for your papers

What is nursing theory- It does not make any sense

Do not fret! I can help you gain a good understanding of nursing theorist and how you can apply theory to nursing practice

Nursing Research – I just do not get it

I can show you how to critique and analyze research papers. Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative research and so much more. I will provide you with a basic understanding of basic nursing research